Winter is coming

emdr intensives practice building vision Jul 23, 2021

I hope that all of you have taken the time to enjoy this summer. I know that I have. My family and I have taken advantage of our post pandemic summer to the fullest and the twins learned to boogie board in the ocean.

And while we’re all enjoying the longer days and warmer temps, we all know that the ease and happiness that comes with summer is not here to last.  

Eventually the days will get shorter, darker and colder. Vacation, wedding, and BBQ season will end and as the seasons change our communities will need more support. And as the person who will offer this support, how are you preparing for our “busy season?”

Lemme guess. You’re bracing. 


Zero Disturbance offers comprehensive resources for therapists on EMDR-informed clinical reasoning, intensive design, passive income systems, & teaching excellence. 

  • Ready to get started in the Zero Disturbance community? Access our favorite free resources in The Zero Disturbance Welcome Bundle, full of free videos and downloads to help you develop your clinical reasoning skills, as well as ways to feel like an intentional designer of high-value offerings like intensives and passive income. Use these free resources to make the seemingly impossible feel absolutely accessible!
  • Ready to set up intensive therapy options in your practice? It's time to get you out of back-to-back, 50 minute sessions and experience real financial freedom. We supported hundreds of therapists make this successful transition, and are excited to help you, too! Design an intensive model that works best for you with The Intensive Design Kit
  • Ready to go all in and work with Kambria? You should be surrounded by life-long learners who are encouraging, learner-centered, and transparent about the success of their business as you build yours. All therapists are welcome, and EMDRIA hours available for those with EMDR focused practices. Whether you're seeking Certification, AC, or already a Consultant, we encourage you to get clinical and business strategies in The Consultation Program because there's nothing like it. 

With a Masters in Education from Vanderbilt, Kambria has been creating trainings and teaching adult learners for 20 years. As Director of Education and Quality Improvement at Stanford Medical School, her job was to decomplicate and consolidate complex systems and topics, thereby giving medical trainees successful learning experiences. Now, as a busy mom of fraternal twins, dedicated business owner of Zero Disturbance, and EMDRIA Approved Consultant, Kambria knows what it means to do things efficiently, effectively, and in a learner-centered way. 

You’re hoping to find the strength somewhere within for back to back sessions for more days in a row than any one therapist should be seeing clients. You’re expecting to be tired and emotionally spent in ways that no person should have to go through during the shortest days of the year. 

Sound about right? 

And, as a community, we’ll say to ourselves and our colleagues “it’s the busy season” and we’ll move on, exhausted, into spring and summer where we’ll repeat the pattern over and over and over again. 

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that you’d love nothing more than to never have another “busy season” again. That you’d love to just have a steady client schedule year round where you always have space in your calendar to take a week off when you need it and where you have a steady income throughout the year. 

And I bet if I told you that was possible, you wouldn’t believe me. But guess what…. That’s exactly what I do. And I gotta tell you, it’s awesome. 

I have been able to do this in my practice with an intensive model and it has absolutely saved me. And I promise, it’s possible for you, too. There are options and opportunities for you to take back your practice from the dreaded “busy season.” 

Fall is almost here and now is the time when you need to be thinking about what you need from your schedule and your practice this winter. Now may be the time for you to shift some of your clients to intensive EMDR therapy. Maybe it’s time for adjunct EMDR therapy. Or maybe it’s just time to set clear boundaries for your practice that you identify and follow through with.

Whatever the solution, now is the time to think about it.

If you’re interested in learning more about what you need from your practice and how to get it, I’m inviting you to apply for a spot in The Consultation Program.

The Consultation Program disrupts the way folks in our community think about group consultation. It’s a place where clinicians are encouraged to put practice goals right next to the importance of clinical competence. 

This group is a place where your practice needs are identified and worked towards with individualized and customizable learning plans. If you’re ready to end “the busy season” apply for The Consultation Program today and change your practice forever:


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