79: The Misconceptions of EMDR vs. Talk Therapy [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] emdr trauma therapy Jul 16, 2024

EMDR therapy is a powerful path to healing, but many misconceptions persist about it—from medical professionals, therapists, and others. As an EMDR consultant with over ten thousand hours of sessions under my belt, I've witnessed firsthand how this brain-based therapy can transform lives...

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78: EMDR for Addiction Treatment and Healthy Habit Formation [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] emdr trauma therapy Jul 09, 2024

Changing behavior, especially when it comes to addictive or compulsive patterns, is often misunderstood and oversimplified. Many therapists and rehab programs focus solely on modifying beliefs and behaviors, overlooking vital elements in our neurological programming. This approach can lead to...

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77: Attachment-Based Therapy: EMDR and Attachment Styles [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] emdr trauma therapy Jul 02, 2024

While many therapists identify as "trauma-informed" or "attachment-informed," these labels should be a given for any effective therapist. How so? Because any therapy work is attachment work.

The reality is that we've all been shaped by our early experiences and relationships, creating...

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76: Therapy vs. Coaching: What's "Right" at What Time? [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] brainspotting therapists trauma therapy Jun 25, 2024

Therapists often make an artificial distinction between addressing trauma in therapy and utilizing coaching for personal growth. Making this separation can limit the full potential of therapy and leave clients feeling prematurely "graduated" before they've had a chance to truly thrive.


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71: EMDR for Disordered Eating [Why EMDR Works Series] emdr trauma therapy Nov 21, 2023


We all have a relationship with something that’s helping us to feel a certain way, full and in control, empowered and attached. But we’ve been given so many different curricula around what we’re supposed to look and feel like, we’re using behaviors like food...

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64: Identifying Red & Green Flag Therapists [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] consultation trauma therapy Sep 25, 2023


Have you struggled with finding the right therapy for your needs? Maybe you’ve had a few appointments with several different therapists but never found someone you felt was on the same page as you for your treatment.

The client-therapist relationship is so important and it’s...

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62: Identifying and Installing Positive Resources [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] adaptations emdr trauma therapy Sep 11, 2023

Identifying and pulling on positive resources is essential to processing trauma, but it’s also something you can do when you want to change your mindset around specific feelings and events. Even better, it’s something you can do on your own with a little bit of work and reflection.


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61: What’s Wrong with Mindset Work [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] emdr trauma therapy Sep 04, 2023


Doing mindset work isn’t always the answer. We’re inundated with messages from coaches and therapists on Instagram telling us that if we just worked on our mindset, we could get past so many of our limiting beliefs and roadblocks.

And while maybe mindset works for some, for...

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60: Creating Interdependence with Boundaries [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] emdr trauma therapy Aug 28, 2023


Most of us know how to behave appropriately in society, which is helpful in navigating the world. We follow the laws of our community, pay our bills, wait in the grocery lines, treat animals with kindness, etc. But sometimes, society (or our culture) teaches us a set of rules that...

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59: Expanding the Definition of “Doing the Work” [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] consultation emdr trauma therapy Aug 21, 2023


Too often I hear therapists share that a client “isn’t doing the work.” They’re not progressing or working through their trauma because in session they talk about what’s going on in their life today, rather than talking about what happened in the past.


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57: A Different Perspective on Phobias [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] adaptations trauma therapy Aug 07, 2023


Curiosity should always be the default for therapists working with clients, and clients should know this and look for it in session. This is especially true when we’re talking about phobias.

There’s often a lot of shame around phobias because they’re characterized by a...

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54. Refocusing Trauma Therapy [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] adaptations brainspotting emdr trauma therapy Jul 27, 2023


Talking about details of trauma doesn’t feel good for the therapy client, which is why it’s so important that we create a reframe not only around therapy in general, but especially in brain-based modalities like Brainspotting and EMDR in particular.

Not convinced that we...

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